
Conducting business in a legally compliant way.

Star Global policies reflect our commitment to conduct business in accordance with applicable laws, rules and regulations, as well as the codes and standards that we have adopted.  This is to protect Star Global and our employees from behaviours that are not legally compliant with laws and regulations. Additionally, it aims to ensure that our employees understand the importance of conducting business in a legally compliant way.

Management and employees who breach company policies are subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.

Our Code of Business Ethics and Conduct sets out the company’s commitment to comply with certain basic compliance principles:

  • Acting lawfully towards third parties (including avoiding illegal payments).
  • Complying with laws concerning the collection and use of data relating to employees, customers and suppliers.
  • Complying with applicable competition and antitrust laws that protect competition, prevent abuse of dominance and require advance approval for certain transactions.
  • Prohibiting conflicts of interest (unless they have been disclosed and approved) and any use (or attempted use) by an individual of his or her position in the company to obtain improper personal benefit for him or her or for anyone else.


Our corporate culture is built on three pillars: achieving performance excellence by meritocracy, transparency in relationships and continually striving for higher productivity.


We operate with integrity to achieve our strategic goals ensuring that we sail in line with our values, code of ethics and the risk policies that we set. While each member of the team leads a specific role in the business, they also work collectively to help us achieve our vision and purpose.